Lyrics by: Fred Rahe
Sung to the tune of: Money for Nothing: I want my MTV by Dire Straits
Performed by: The AudBalls
Listen to I want my AuD - mp3 - opens new window
Look at them doctors, that’s the way you do it
Go to college get your AuD
Now look at them doctors, that’s the way you do it
Money for knowledge, no more tests for free
We gotta test for middle ear function, reflex testing and tympanometry
We gotta make these ear mold impressions, we gotta fit these ITEs
Look at that doctor, yeah buddy that’s called real ear
That doctor’s going to test that patient’s hearing
He’s going to make that patient hear
No that ain’t working, that’s the way you do it
Money for knowledge, no more tests for free
We gotta do some speech discrimination, PB function and S R T
We gotta make these ear mold impressions, we gotta fit these ITEs
We gotta test for cochlear emissions with something new called O A E
We gotta make these ear mold impressions, we gotta fit these ITEs
Now I should have learned to manage cerumen
I should have learned to view that drum
Look at that curette, he’s got it sticking in the ear canal..Man, we could have some fun
And what’s that masking noises? Coming from the earphones at 100dB
No that ain’t working, that’s the way you do it
Money for knowledge, no more tests for free
We’ve gotta test for 8th nerve lesions with ABR and ENG
We gotta make these ear mold impressions, we gotta fit these ITEs
No that ain’t working, that’s the way you do it
Money for knowledge, no more tests for free
I want my, I want my I want my AuD…. I want my, I want my I want my AuD….
The AudBalls (band members), left to right in picture, are:
John Chonka
Fred Rahe
Mike Adamowicz
The "Ossicles" (back up dancers) are
Sandi Hopper
Jana Ziegberman
Jamie Angus

unReal ID: 108 // Date Created: 2006-02-20 // Last Updated: 2006-02-22