Lyrics by: Fred Rahe
Sung to the tune of: Bad to the Bone by George Thorogood And The Destroyers
Listen to Had to do Bone - mp3 - opens new window
When I was in Grad School all the students gathered around
And gazed in wide wonder at the test I had done
The professor spoke up…said “leave this one alone”
You see I’d done air conduction but I had to do bone
Had to do bone…Had to do bone…Buh..buh…buh…buh bone, Had to do bone
I’ve tested a thousand ears before I met you
I sold them all hearing aids, now this one’s for you
I want to be your audiologist, yours and yours alone
But when I do air conduction, I have to do bone
Had to do bone…Had to do bone…Buh..buh…buh…buh bone, Had to do bone
When I test at the booth, the patient sits inside
Then I fit a new hearing aid and they leave satisfied
I want to be your audiologist, yours and yours alone
But when I do air conduction, I have to do bone
Had to do bone…Had to do bone…Buh..buh…buh…buh bone, Had to do bone
The AudBalls (band members), left to right in picture, are:
John Chonka
Fred Rahe
Mike Adamowicz
The "Ossicles" (back up dancers) are
Sandi Hopper
Jana Ziegberman
Jamie Angus

unReal ID: 107 // Date Created: 2006-02-20 // Last Updated: 2006-02-22