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Tommy Roe Dizzy

Song Title:

Dizzy, I’m so dizzy my head is spinning
Like a whirlpool it never ends
And it’s You girl makin’ it spin
You're making me dizzy

First time that I saw You girl, I knew that I just had to make You mine
But it’s so hard to talk to You with fellows hangin’ round You all the time
I want You for my sweet pet, but You keep playing hard to get
I’m going round in circles all the time

Dizzy, I’m so dizzy my head is spinning
Like a whirlpool it never ends
And it’s You girl makin’ it spin
You're making me dizzy

I finally got to talk to You and I told You just exactly how I felt
Then I held You close to me and kissed You and my heart began to melt
Girl You've got control on me,cuz I’m so dizzy I can't see
I need to call a doctor for some help

Dizzy, I’m so dizzy my head is spinning
Like a whirlpool it never ends
And it’s You girl makin’ it spin
You're making me dizzy
my head is spinning
Like a whirlpool it never ends
And it’s You girl making it spin
You're making me dizzy
you're making me dizzy

Band / Artist's Name:
Tommy Roe
Web Site: http://www.tommyroe.com/

Album Name:
Year Released: 1969
ABC Paramount

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Song Titles

earTunes Notes:
Tommy Roe is sometimes described as "The father of Bubble Gum Music". Dizzy was a #1 hit in US and the UK in 1969. This song was released on a "Greatest Hits" album in 1969.

The song has been covered many times by other bands including:

earGuys Status:
P. Dibby has the Selfies' version on his MP3 player

Item Submitted By:
P. Dibby the earGuy

earTunes Collection ID: 137 // Date Created: 2006-06-18 // Last Updated: 2006-06-18

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